University of Colorado Scholar Strike
Hold your regular class(es), but instead of proceeding with your scheduled lesson, have students watch and discuss the above 45-minute recorded webinar on CU BIPOC student activism against police brutality and violence. Amplify the multipronged work for racial justice and equity led by CU Boulder students and staff representing groups and organizations that include the Black Student Alliance, Radical BIPOC Womxn/Femmes Collective, diversifyCUnow, the United Campus Workers Colorado, CU Abolition, and the artivism students who created the installation of CU’s missing BIPOC students.
Here is an overview of current campus campaigns and statements, including:
diversifyCUnow’s petition that includes Olivia Gardner’s and
Ruth Woldemichael’s demands to Chancellor DiStefano -
Divest from CUPD to Invest in CU BIPOC
CU Antiracist Creed and ‘An Antiracist CU’
Statement to Chancellor DiStefano and other campus leaders by Regent Linda Shoemaker and student Holly Olivarez
Artivism installation: CU’s Missing BIPOC students
BIPOC COVID-19 Statement
Through interviews with Olivia Gardner, Ruth Woldemichael,
LeAnna Luney, Gwendalynn Roebke, Juan Ramirez, Alejandra Abad, Laura Gonzalez and Holly Olivarez, the webinar explores the connections between campus and national crises, systemic racism and policing, and how CU can take a stand against police violence.

Nationwide Strike
About the nationwide #ScholarStrike
On September 8 and 9, 2020, a nationwide #ScholarStrike for racial justice is being organized in the wake of the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, WI and the many other police murders of African American women and men, which have reinvigorated demands for structural changes to white supremacist institutions. Organizers Anthea Butler (Religious Studies, Africana Studies, University of Pennsylvania) and Kevin Gannon (History, Grand View University) propose a range of actions on September 8-9 in solidarity with BIPOC students and community members to make a collective stand against police violence (particularly against communities of color) in the United States.
Other ways to join the #CUScholarStrike
Teaching resources from the Inclusive Communities of Practice Canvas Page
Reading and reflection activities for antiracism that can be used for teach-ins
Discuss one or more of the statements by CU BIPOC students, staff, and faculty:
Artivism installation: CU’s missing BIPOC students
Relevant events taking place September 8-9:
Sept 8 from 5-7 PM
Black at CU Boulder (online panel for first-year Black students at CU) hosted by BLACC (Building Leadership among Communities of Color)
Sept 9 from 12-1:15 pm by the Center for Humanities and the Arts
Relevant ongoing events:
Open to the entire campus community, this course was developed by Shawn O'Neal, doctoral candidate in Ethnic Studies, and Dr. Jennifer Ho of Ethnic Studies and Director of the Center for Humanities and the Arts.
Anti-Racism I is an introduction to the topic of race and racism in the United States. The primary audience for this course is anyone who is interested in learning about race/racism in the US who has never taken a course in critical race or ethnic studies or affiliated fields (indeed, who may not know what the fields of critical race studies or ethnic studies are), who has never read a book about race/racism, or attended any race equity or diversity trainings on the topic of race/racism.
Confronting Anti-Black Racism in POC, Indigenous & Marginalized Communities
Panel with Prof. Kristie Soares (WGST), Prof. Deepti Misri (WGST), Prof. Tiara Na'puti (CMCI), Prof. Cheryl Higashida (ENGL), Prof. Maria Windell (ENGL).
"Racism is a public health crisis" and additional perspective provided in the 'BIPOC COVID-19 Statement' (link above) by CU Boulder BIPOC students, staff, faculty and workers are referenced in Underlying Conditions: "Race," Racism and Health, by Professor Goldfarb, Department of Anthropology, University of Colorado Boulder
Dr. Camara Jones' Tedx Talk: "Allegories on race and racism"
Dr. Camara Jones and others' discussion of The Gardner's Tale
This is an opportunity for us to amplify and build the work of CU Boulder students, staff and faculty for racial justice, diversity, and equity at CU.

Zoom Background